Psychological Marketing Hacks For Small Businesses


As a small business owner, it can be tough to compete against the major players in your industry when it comes to attracting attention. However, with a little savvy and psychological marketing knowledge, you can make a huge difference to your customer acquisition and retention – not to mention your sales figures. Let’s take a look at a few easily deployable techniques you should try sooner rather than later.


Believe in yourself


It sounds obvious, but people are more confident buying from someone that has belief in what they are doing. Whether that purchase is made in person, face-to-face, or online depends on your business model, but either way it can have a profound effect. And the truth is that no one else is going to promote you or your ideas in the vast majority of cases, at least not enough to make a difference. So start developing a positive, can-do attitude and express yourself with the belief you have the solutions and are the best possible option.


Tap into the senses


Most businesses put on a good show when it comes to logos, visual design and image. But don’t forget about the other four human senses. Sound – such as music – can play an important role in persuading customers to make a purchase in stores. You can try scent marketing for your business, too, which involves stimulating the olfactory systems. Even touch can encourage more positive experiences, whether it’s a simple handshake or putting the product into the hands of your customers.


Establish your tribe


Humans view other humans more positively when they feel like they are similar, or have had similar experiences. This is called in-group bias, and it’s a powerful tool to employ when you are trying to build a business. Take Brewdog as the perfect example. Its advertising campaigns pit themselves against the norms, and while the company certainly loses a lot of potential customers, its highly-targeted messaging is no accident.


Ask questions


Asking questions of your customers may take you out of your comfort zone, but it’s essential if you want to establish better relationships with your customers – and find out more about how to improve your business. In general terms, people want to be listened to, and giving them an ear makes you look curious, engaged and interested. The answers you give to their questions will position you as knowledgeable and experienced in your industry, as well as helping your customers feel appreciated and special.


First – and last – impressions


Research suggests that when people are presented with a list of words, it’s the ones at the beginning and the end that they remember. If you translate that to your customer communications, it means you should strive for a positive introduction to your customers, and always try to end your interactions on a high note.


A lot of big companies employ psychology in their business practices, to great effect. And while you may not be able to afford to pay for the huge amount of studies and research required to focus on the way you do business, these tips should help you make a positive difference.



Featured image Credit – pixabay